Mala Ocean Tavern Blog 

VOTE for the best on maui

It’s that time of year again on Maui! Voting has started for the Maui No Ka Oi Magazine ‘Aipono Awards! The restaurant award voting will go through January 31st, 2023. Support local businesses and vote for your favorites. We hope MALA is your favorite, but most importantly, we want you to vote! Either way, voting will help a local business. Vote now and show some love for your favorite Maui restaurants.

It’s that time of year again on Maui! Voting has started for the Maui No Ka Oi Magazine ‘Aipono Awards! The restaurant award voting will go through January 31st, 2023. Support local businesses and vote for your favorites. We hope MALA is your favorite, but most importantly, we want you to vote! Either way, voting will help a local business. Vote now and show some love for your favorite Maui restaurants.

The Mala Ocean Tavern Team is proud of the awards that we won in 2022 and we have been working hard to continue to maintain our standards and excellence in serving our community and guests to the beautiful island of Maui. We hope for your support.

2022 - Maui No Ka Oi Magazine ‘Aipono Awards

Best Oceanfront Dining - Gold

Best Business Lunch - Gold

Most Maui-est - Silver

Best Late Night Dining - Silver

Best Service - Silver

Best Wine List - Silver

Our sister restaurants hope for your support too, check them out, Down The Hatch, Breakwall Shave Ice Co. and Duckine! It only takes a few minutes to vote for all of your favorite local restaurants on Maui. There are lots of categories and we’re vying for a few. See the categories that we’re going for on the images below & link straight to the voting. Mahalo nui loa for your continued encouragement and support, we wouldn’t be here without y’all!

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Mala Ocean Tavern, Lahaina, Maui Restaurant Ashley Davis Mala Ocean Tavern, Lahaina, Maui Restaurant Ashley Davis


Mala Ocean Tavern is host to guests from all over the world, and we appreciate those who share their oceanfront dining experience with others. Maricris Lapaix documented her experience at MALA during her travels to Maui featured them on her Travel Vlog. Check out her video and get travel tips for when you are on the island. We hope you join us for Brunch, Happy Hour, Dinner, or Late Night soon at MALA. All you need is aloha!

Mala Ocean Tavern is host to guests from all over the world, and we appreciate those who share their oceanfront dining experience with others. Maricris Lapaix documented her experience at MALA during her travels to Maui featured them on her Travel Vlog. Check out her video and get travel tips for when you are on the island. We hope you join us for Brunch, Happy Hour, Dinner, or Late Night soon at MALA. All you need is aloha!

Maricris Lapaix is a fitness entrepreneur, trainer & traveler. She believes movement is the catalyst to living a life rich in experiences. Through her work as a trainer, and travel experiences she has received inspiration for her show, Move with Maricris. Her mission is to inspire others to move to be "Strong in Life," and to enjoy all that life has to offer. As she travels to beautiful destinations, her ultimate goal is to immerse herself in different cultures through movement, food and active experiences.

By immersing herself in different cultures, Maricris wants to shift the mindset of one's fitness journey. It is not about aesthetics, but the gifts that the commitment to health provides – time with loved ones, and a strong and able body ready for action and anything desired. Travel is what opens our minds and hearts to the beauty that surrounds us. It is a reminder that there is an entire world out there full of beautiful cultures, food, and experiences. A reminder that happiness comes in many forms. Movement and travel reignite a passion for life, and all that is possible within our individual lifetime. These experiences serve as life’s checks and balances to remind us what truly matters in this lifetime.

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